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Friday, December 9, 2011

Godigitalscrapbooking - December 2011 Journalling Challenge

Here's my entry for the December 2011 Journalling Challenge over at GDS:

The journalling reads:

In July 2011 our new family member joined us. Her name is Tabea and she is a Landseer. We had been thinking long and hard about getting a dog , since we always felt that this is not a decision which is to be taken lightly. For a long time we were really unsure as to which breed we should opt for. Until my husband happened to see a television programme about the Landseer breed and he was instantly smitten. The Landseer belongs to the New Foundland group - he is quite similar in size and stature, the only difference is the colouring. the Landseer is predominantly white with irregular black patches and a typical black “mask”. The more I learned about this wonderful breed the more convinced I became too that this was just the dog for us. We looked for and found a good breeder and we were overjoyed when we could finally take Tabea home. She is now seven months old, weighs 80 pounds (!), and she is the most wonderful companion anyone could wish for. She makes us laugh a lot, she’s playful but also very obedient and she loves nothing better than to sit on the sofa with us for good cuddle. She’s changed our lives a lot but definately for the better. We take her on long walks and she loves to run across the fields. Typically Landseer, Tabea loves water. We’re already looking forward to summer when we can take her swimming again in one of the many nearby lakes. I can’t even remember what life was like before we had Tabea and I wouldn’t want to be without her for one second!

Photos: Tabea - 5 weeks - 5 months

Kit: Game Set Match by Created By Jill

Template: TDD_Everyday_cschneider_template1

Font: Arial

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